
Independent Distributor Tel 0753.3191276 .... www.wikanikoshop.co.uk .... email richardhudson@wikaniko.co.uk


Work from home business

Simple work from home business do something that makes
 a difference to your income and your environment.

Altogether, 12 ‘routes to market’ (ways of promoting your
 products) have been identified. These include delivery
of the Home Shopping catalogues door to door, leafleting
 that concentrates on certain products (this proved to be
enormouslysuccessful in trials), relationship marketing
 (friends and family sales), Party plan type of events with
 the Cosmetics catalogue, plus craft fairs and local shows
 etc. So there are numerous non-confrontational methods
 for everyone to be able to use, in order to make sales.
 (Sales via online auction sites are strictly prohibited)

Wikaniko has also created
 some extraordinary online
and offline marketing methods,
 to ensure that you can
get people to visit your online
shop, and that you can
get your name known in the
local community too. Most
of these methods are both
FREE to the distributor, and
 free to the customer or user
(one of the methods actually
 involves giving away free

One of the mainstays of the business model is the ability
 not only to get initial sales, but to make repeat sales too.
 Many of the products allow for repeat sales – so not only
do you gain by finding new customers; you gain by
continuing to look after your existing customers. Our
 phones are constantly ringing with people wishing to repeat
order for our bread and butter products – just from the initial

It is also interesting to note that Wikaniko pays out far higher
commissions than any similar business! For example, the
commissions on your personal sales range from a massive
33% to 45% wholesale to retail profit, enabling you to attract
a regular weekly income for putting in some effort.

As a person that is into eco-friendly products, and who
 promotes the products etc. avidly, it stands to reason that
you should use them yourself! You would look a bit silly walking
 down the street with Tesco’s carrier bags in your hands, and
 then advising your friends to buy a reusable shopping bag….
Fortunately, just by using the products instead of the ones you
would normally buy from the supermarket, you will save a great
 deal of money (whilst saving the planet too) which helps with your
monthly budget. Don’t ever forget this.

Secondly, as a Wikaniko distributor, your next task is to show
the products to others, and make an extra income for yourself.
This is so easy to do, as there are some fabulous products. In
fact, if you offer the products to others you cannot actually fail

to make an income! (Take note though – the only place where
success comes before work is in the dictionary. If you are not
helping to spread the word, you aren’t earning any money for yourself)

You can also form other ‘branches’ or ‘teams’ or ‘legs’ around
 the country, and earn an override on the profitability of those
branches. By doing this, you can build up a healthy monthly income,
 whilst making the world a better place. You can also take on
‘Customer Members’ via an innovative process whereby members
 of the public can go to your own web site shop and purchase
 products, along with other incentives and activities etc. Should
they become Customer Members, they will be allocated to you
to further boost your income, without you lifting a finger!

As a person who is building a business from home, it is easy to
 think that you can make some ‘under the table’ cash, which the
 authorities don’t know about, or won’t get to know about. How
wrong can you be! At Wikaniko, this is classed as very short
term thinking, and indeed, a major factor in the prevention of true
progress. A distributor with this kind of thinking then feels that they
should not promote the opportunity too much, in case they are
exposed to the tax man or come to their attention. So they prevent
 themselves from building a big business!

To this end, Wikaniko distributors have their own ‘in house’
bookkeeping system, designed to keep their tax affairs in order,
 do their tax returns for them, and claim exactly what they are
entitled to as a self employed person. Indeed, you would actually
 be around £80 - £100 per month better off just by using the
 service – and before you have even sold a product!

This fantastic opportunity costs just £48 truely amazing value!!!

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