
Independent Distributor Tel 0753.3191276 .... www.wikanikoshop.co.uk .... email richardhudson@wikaniko.co.uk


Where Can I Buy Eco Green Natural Holistic Vegan Products ? - Wikaniko Online Shop

Many people often ask where can I buy eco products for the home 
or business?

Finding green or eco products can sometime be difficult we think 
we have a brilliant solution for this Wiknaiko Shop with over 900 
products in our online store which is open 24/7, you an order in
the comfort of your own home or office with quick 2 day delivery.

·        Here's our big range at Wikaniko Shop:

·         Aloe Vera
·         Aromatherapy
·         Astonish
·         Baby & Child
·         Bags
·         Bamboo Textiles
·         Bathroom
·         Bio-D
·         Body & Skin Care
·         Candles
·         Cleaning
·         Complete Skin Care Ranges
·         Dental Care
·         Feminine Care & Hygiene
·         Gadgets
·         Garden/Outdoors
·         Gift Ideas
·         Christmas Gifts
·         Hair care
·         Health & Nutrition
·         Household
·         Kitchen
·         Laundry
·         Magnotherapy
·         Marketing Materials
·         Mens Toiletries
·         Mineral Makeup
·         Nail Care
·         Pets
·         Specials
·         Stationery
·         Travel/Camping/Events/holidays
·         Trees
·         Vegan
·         Vehicle
·         Supplies, Arts & Crafts
·         Social Media

·        You can even buy Wholesale

Think you'll agree its a BIG range of eco, green, natural, holistic and vegan products

Make Money with the Eco Cleaning Package - Tracy's Story - Wikaniko

This is a great story about how you can earn money as a Wikaniko distributor

This is Tracy's story in her own words: courtesy Wikaniko
She did that well she won an award from Wikaniko

Tracy decided to take up the eco cleaning package. Here’s her great story:

"How I started my eco-cleaning business from scratch with no
previous cleaning experience (well, ok, I do clean our house
sometimes but apart from that...)

I took the leap and bought the Wikaniko professional
cleaning package just before Christmas. There are two
cheaper packagesbut I thought the professional one was
the best value for money and it included a good, sturdy
trolley to put my cleaning things in and the choice of a
'We Can Eco Clean' branded sweatshirt or tabard
 (great for a professional image and keeps your own
clothes clean!).
With Christmas and New Year out the way, I thought
I'd better get on and do some advertising. I put a free
advert on Netmums (wording straight from the Advertising file on the CD that
comes with the kit) and printed about 100 fliers (same wording). I have about
30 regular catalogue customers so I put a flier in with each of those and posted
 the rest through doors in a few local roads. Then I got on and practised using
the products at home, following the instructions that were also on the CD. Just in case
I actually got some customers, I sorted out my insurance (again, details on the CD).

The Netmums advert generated one customer, let's call her
‘SingingLady1’ and the fliers generated two more:
‘I’m92YouKnow’ (elderly catalogue customer) and NewMum
(flier through door). Now, NewMum wanted some references
(eek!) so, as my husband is probably the only person who could
comment on my cleaning abilities (and wouldn't dare!), I offered
a character reference from a lady I run a toddler group with and a
product reference from one of my catalogue customers. All fine,
so by early February I had 3 regular customers. Then I got a call
from the catalogue customer who'd given me the reference to say
that they were looking for someone to clean the Parish Rooms (large hall, toilets,
kitchen) at the local church and would it be ok to pass on my details? Yay, 4
customers and that's one I can do even in the school holidays as they are happy to let
the children run round the hall while I clean!

A few weeks later, I was sat polishing silver while SingingLady1 practised some
beautiful harmonies with SingingLady2 and SingingLady3 (such a hard job!). When
they were done, SingingLady2 asked if I had space in my diary to clean at hers.
Excellent - 5 customers, one for each day of the week and that's all I want for now.
Better still, SingingLady2 keeps chickens so each week I get my totally free range
eggs for just £1.20 per half dozen.

Being a numbers persons, here we go:
Hours cleaning per week: 11
Money earned per week: £132.50 (no I don't have a really bizarre hourly rate,
I’m92YouKnow gets an OAP discount) Assuming I only work during term time
 (40 weeks), a year's earnings will be: £5,300
(this doesn't include the extra I make from my cleaning customers buying from my
catalogues too)
Outlay: £199 for the professional cleaning package plus maybe another £100 across
the year to top up on cleaning products as they run out, insurance £159 a year (paid
monthly), a little petrol money (although one customer is so close I walk there with
my trolley!) and a couple of pounds to print out my initial fliers.
Money saved buying eggs from SingingLady2 instead of Tesco: dunno, haven't
worked it out yet but they are cheaper and waaaaaay nicer.
Listening to people sing and play various instruments whilst I work: priceless!

So, within a couple of weeks I had earned enough to cover the initial outlay for the
cleaning package and, continuing at this rate, I stand to make about £5,000 a year
working just 11 hours a week, during the school day, term time only and afternoons
left free to work on other parts of the business. And that doesn't even include my
catalogue income or building a team...


This is clear proof that someone is making over £5000 a year part time at Wikaniko!


Wikaniko Bathroom Products


Make Money Working From Home - Struggling To Pay The Bills?

When we started our work from home business we didn't have
much money, but we got started anyway, we think this is an important
step as often people don't even get that far for one reason or another.

If you don't start at all then there's no way you can make any money is there?

Wikaniko was the opportunity we chose as it fitted around our jobs
and busy family activity.

We love it because it really does give us an opportunity to get out of the
rut we are in with our current jobs, obviously initially we made small
amounts of residual income combined with our main income from 
catalogue retailing and regular stall we had. This helped us pay our 
expensive gas and electric bills which was a great relief.

However we've moved on a few steps now and have our own team
across the UK even team members in Greece, France, Germany, which
is really astonishing seeing as we work this business from home.

It's getting very exciting with Wikaniko now as it's growing really fast
now its cheaper and easier to run your own business without
most of the headaches you normally get with a 'normal' type of 

Getting started with Wikaniko is easy just sign up here then
it's just £3.50 / mth for your website and online shop which is
massive value for money. We'd love to help you build your 
business too.