
Independent Distributor Tel 0753.3191276 .... www.wikanikoshop.co.uk .... email richardhudson@wikaniko.co.uk


The Wikaniko Business Opportunity

The UK’s No 1 eco friendly work from home business

What you are about to discover is a whole new, easy, exciting, ethical,
lucrative and legal way of making an extra income, working from home.
In fact, the hardest thing about Wikaniko is trying to say the name……
it is pronounced ‘We Can Eco’.

As the name implies, we offer eco-friendly, environmentally beneficial
products. You are probably aware that there is so much talk these days
about becoming more environmentally conscious that you cannot escape
from it. Almost every day, a newspaper or magazine shouts out new
headlines about what we are all doing to our world. Yet very few people
even know where to begin! Furthermore, rising fuel prices, the forthcoming
world food shortage (along with escalating costs) and the credit squeeze
are all recipes  for disaster for many families, causing their already tight
 budgets to be decimated every time they watch the news on the telly.

All of the above creates a classic moment in time, whereby you can both
help save the planet from all other nasty things we do to it, AND you can
also help families stretch their budgets further by providing cost effective
(and of course eco-friendly solutions) to their everyday needs. In doing
so, you will make an extra income. How much of an extra income is entirely
down to the effort you are willing to put in. Furthermore, we have ensured
that whilst you may not be able to retire with a fortune tucked under your
mattress from our opportunity, (no legal alternative opportunity will be able
to live up to that false claim these days) you will, without a shadow of a
doubt make much more money than you do now. You will have immense
fun along the way, whilst gaining a tremendous amount of self-satisfaction
too. Lastly, we have designed the opportunity so that every single person
in the country can begin making an income from Day 1, and help themselves
get out of possible financial challenges caused by the pressures of modern

Indeed, everyone, without regard to their education, background,
circumstances or financial position can make a rising income from Wikaniko!
The opportunity is a great leveller, where everyone starts from the same
base, with the same opportunity of making a wonderful future for themselves
and their families, provided they do it legally and ethically.

The Opportunity
The main launch of the company was just before January 2009 following
a pre-launch phase. This was in order to ensure that all systems, logistics
and marketing plans etc. were operating correctly and fairly. So now is
an ideal time for any entrepreneur to position themselves to gain
‘first mover’ advantage. Already, it is outstripping the performance of
many ‘work from home’ businesses due to the brilliantly designed
Income Plan. You have a window of about 18 months from this initial
launch, to take advantage of being one of the major leaders in the company.

Co-operative Marketing
The opportunity is simple to understand. Wikaniko is a unique
Co-operative marketing venture, whereby the main aim is to create a
massive business, with sufficient profit to enable the company to sustain
its growth, yet to give as much back as it can to the distributors that are
contributing to the success of the company. By doing this, we all gain.So as a Wikaniko distributor, you:

Save money by buying products you normally use at wholesale instead
of retail;
Make money by retailing to new customers, and servicing repeat orders;
Make money from your web sales;
Make an override by helping others to set up their own Wikaniko branch;
Reduce your tax bill by using the in house bookkeeping service;
Obtain further rewards via the Stamp Reward scheme
Learn more about the world we live in, in order to teach others; and
Save some dolphins and turtles along the way.

We can’t think of another more worthwhile cause, or better way to make some
more income – can you?

How to proceed call me or email richardhudson@wikaniko.co.uk

To your health, Richard
Call 0753 319 1276 for more information.
Visit our Eco Friendly Shop - Find out about our Business Opportunity
Save Money on your utilities here - Utility Sava

The products are rock solid eco friendly everyday household products -
not fad products. They range from the bread and butter household
products such as degradable plastic bags and refuse sacks etc.
through to personal care products, luxury beauty products, energy
saving gadgets, garden products, water saving products etc.
In fact, over almost 700 products have been sourced (the aim is to
have more than 1000 products eventually) and other services etc. will
be added as the business progresses.

Altogether, 12 ‘routes to market’ (ways of promoting your products)
have been identified. These include delivery of the Home Shopping
catalogues door to door, leafleting that concentrates on certain products
 (this proved to be enormously successful in trials), relationship marketing
(friends and family sales), Party plan type of events with the Cosmetics
catalogue, plus craft fairs and local shows etc. So there are numerous
non-confrontational methods for everyone to be able to use, in order to
make sales. (Sales via online auction sites are strictly prohibited)

Wikaniko has also created some extraordinary online and offline
marketing methods, to ensure that you can get people to visit your online
shop, and that you can get your name known in the local community too.
Most of these methods are both FREE to the distributor, and free to the
customer or user (one of the methods actually involves giving away free

One of the mainstays of the business model is the ability not only to get
initial sales, but to make repeat sales too. Many of the products allow
for repeat sales – so not only do you gain by finding new customers; you
gain by continuing to look after your existing customers.

Although the business is very simple, we feel that everyone can benefit
from the excellent free training resources that are available. The learning
is carried out online, in the comfort of your own home or office. We do not
advocate travelling to meetings, renting hotel rooms etc. as this increases
everyone’s carbon footprints dramatically. Instead, local Home Meetings
will be arranged through Team Managers and National Distributors.

Furthermore, there is comprehensive support available through the Wikaniko
Support Team – people that have had enormous proven success in the
home business industry.

How The Business (and the Money) Works

Again, we have made this as simple, and as affordable as possible.
Join as a Wikaniko Distributor for just £48. For this admin fee, you
get a small starter pack, a full online replicated web site with both your
‘shop front’ and your members Home Office, with access to training,
online tools, etc, etc.

The annual renewal fee is just £12. The monthly qualification to receive
all your commissions etc as a distributor is very small and is more than
likely to be made up of products that you are purchasing for your own or
your family’s use or for retail.

The marketing plan is, like everything else at Wikaniko, very simple to
understand. We make a profit between buying the products at cost
(taking into account all of the associated overheads) and then wholesaling
them to you, the distributor.

Each product has a different profit margin. The more we can buy, the
better the profit margin.

So, very cleverly, we have worked out a value of each product, based on
the profit margin that is available on the product. You get paid on the
value that is available, so you know that each and every time you are
getting the best profit from the products, via Co-operative Marketing.

It is also interesting to note that Wikaniko pays out far higher commissions
than any similar business! For example, the commissions on your
personal sales range from a massive 33% to 45% wholesale to retail
profit, enabling you to attract a regular weekly income for putting in some

As a person that is into eco-friendly products, and who promotes the
products etc. avidly, it stands to reason that you should use them yourself!
You would look a bit silly walking down the street with Tesco’s carrier bags
in your hands, and then advising your friends to buy a reusable shopping
bag…. Fortunately, just by using the products instead of the ones you
would normally buy from the supermarket, you will save a great deal of
money (whilst saving the planet too) which helps with your monthly budget.
Don’t ever forget this.

Secondly, as a Wikaniko distributor, your next task is to show the products
to others, and make an extra income for yourself. This is so easy to do, as
there are some fabulous products. In fact, if you offer the products to others
you cannot actually fail to make an income! (Take note though – the only
place where success comes before work is in the dictionary. If you are not
helping to spread the word, you aren’t earning any money for yourself)

You can also form other ‘branches’ or ‘teams’ or ‘legs’ around the country,
and earn an override on the profitability of those branches. By doing this,
you can build up a healthy monthly income, whilst making the world a better
place. You can also take on ‘Customer Members’ via an innovative process
whereby members of the public can go to your own web site shop and
purchase products, along with other incentives and activities etc. Should
they become Customer Members, they will be allocated to you to further
boost your income, without you lifting a finger!

As a person who is building a business from home, it is easy to think that
you can make some ‘under the table’ cash, which the authorities don’t know
about, or won’t get to know about. How wrong can you be! At Wikaniko, this
is classed as very short term thinking, and indeed, a major factor in the
prevention of true progress. A distributor with this kind of thinking then feels
that they should not promote the opportunity too much, in case they are
exposed to the tax man or come to their attention. So they prevent themselves
from building a big business!

Wikaniko Product Spotlight - Ora Heal Mint Toothpaste

We decided to bring you an alternative toothpaste for much the same reason
that we brought you alternatives to most other toiletries, and that reason is the
chemical nasties that most toothpastes contains.

Morning Mint Toothpaste
Every one wants clean teeth, white teeth, fresh breath, and although our teeth
give us some problems from time to time, and there are not that many people
that look forward to a trip to the dentist, the fact of the matter is that we would
all rather be with our teeth than without.

But there is more to Oral health than might at first be apparent. Your mouth
is very sensitive and delicate. It needs to be to taste all the great food you eat,
and to tell you whether something should or shouldn’t be eaten. It can also
reveal signs of your overall health often before any other symptoms present

The majority of toothpastes that are bought today are designed and marketed
to give you the impression that you will have a dazzling Hollywood smile and
icy fresh breath. To accomplish that, they have become harsher, and contain
more chemicals. Whereas your skin will absorb up to 60% of what you put on
it your mouth can absorb up to 90% through the muscosal lining. This means
that chemicals in your toothpaste can be absorbed straight from your mouth
into your bloodstream . It also means that any good bacteria in your mouth
get zapped along with the bad. Also, if you swallow your toothpaste this can
affect the good bacteria in other areas of your body.

The toothpaste you use probably contains SLS, whose purpose is to make
the toothpaste foam (so that you think its doing a good job cleaning your teeth).
It is also in part responsible that ‘Fresh Tingly’ feeling you get from brushing
your teeth. Rather than your mouth telling you I’m all fresh and clean now’
this is actually your mouth protesting to the ‘burn’ from the chemicals. It is
actually an allergic reaction. If you had to forage for food, and you tried
something that gave you that sensation that would be your mouth telling you
that was not a good thing to eat!

Fluoride is another chemical that is added to toothpaste, because it has been
shown to prevent cavities. But have you ever wondered why on your toothpaste
tube it advises you not to actually eat it, and why children under a certain age
should only use a very small amount and be supervised? This is because there is
actually enough fluoride in a tube of most regular toothpastes to seriously harm
a small child. Isn’t it a tad worrying that we are not told this? In the US it is a
requirement that all toothpaste packaging includes health warnings and information
of contacting local poisons control officers in case of ingestion.

Fluorides have also been used throughout history as a mind-altering drug, to affect
people’s mood and behaviour. Prisoners have had it added to their drinking water
at times throughout history to keep them subdued. There have also been many
studies conducted that suggest that the ingestion of fluoride can actually cause
bones to become more brittle as well as causing harm to internal organs.

That’s just a couple of the ingredients in your toothpaste. You may also find
Triclosan, which is antibacterial, but can also harm the good bacteria of your
intestines, and is a suspected carcenogen. (may cause cancer). You may also
find Hydrated Silica, added as a whitener to keep your pearly whites pearly
white, but it is quite harsh and wears away your tooth enamel - which is never
a good thing.

Morning Mint Toothpaste
So these are the reasons we set out to find a suitable alternative! We found
Ora Heal,
· It is specially formulated to help maintain oral health, it contains all natural
ingredients that are gentle and safe.
· Calcium carbonate and white clay gently scrub polish and nourish teeth
without causing the abrasion problems of the aforementioned silica.
· It contains Stevia, which is a natural sweetener (rather than the petrolchemically
derived ones that can be found in mainstream toothpastes) its
also helps to reduce gum disease as it has antibacterial properties
· It contains Aloe Vera which helps heal any wounds and is an antioxidant
· The flavour of the toothpaste comes from organic essential oils.
· It effectively removes plaque and freshens your breath without leaving the

When Wikaniko first tried Ora heal, we found the fact that it doesn’t foam a
tad strange initially. It did give you a slight feeling that it wasn’t doing its job
properly, however we have found that we tend to clean our teeth better now,
because we are not relying on the feeling that the foam was doing all the work.
And it does leave our mouths feeling nice and clean, and our breath fresh.

Why not try Ora heal toothpaste for yourself, and actually get a fresher, healthier mouth than you
had before?

To find out more visit our WikanikoShop

To your health, Richard
Call 0753 319 1276 for more information.
Visit our Eco Friendly Shop - Find out about our Business Opportunity
Save Money on your utilities here - Utility Sava


Wikaniko Product Spotlight - Make-up

Why WE chose NVEY Organic Make up

Organic Makeup   Eyeshadow Palette    Eye Liner Black 

The majority of makeup on the market today contains many
chemicals that have not been safety tested for long-term use.
As your skin absorbs up to 60 % of what you put on it, we thought
it made sense to use makeup that contained only natural ingredients.

Not only does this mean that the makeup is better for your skin
and should work with it rather than against it. If your skin does
absorb the make up then, as it is natural your body can deal with
it, where as the artificial chemicals can get stored up in your body.

NVEY ECO explodes the myth that going green reduces the
performance and application of make-up, with the development
of unique production methods that retain the organic profile, while
 delivering the high performance colour and long lasting
characteristics that NVEY Make-up is known for internationally.

The high performance characteristics are achieved without the use
of chemical ingredients such as parabens, petrochemicals or synthetic
fragrances, and ECO comes with a guarantee that the brand is not
tested on animals.

Erase Corrective Makeup Neutral        Black Mascara Moisturising Formula       Liquid Foundation MediumTone Yellow

Paraben Free
No Parabens are used in the manufacture of any NVEY ECO product.

The majority of NVEY ECO's products are preservative free. In our
aqueous products, we use where permitted under our organic
certifying regulations, a safe biodegradable preservative known as

Lipstick - Warm Pink Slight Shimmer   Lipstick - Tawny Slight Shimmer   Lipstick - Pale Pink Frost
Sodium Laureth Sulphate (SLS) Free
No SLS or derivatives of SLS chemicals are used in any of our products.
No Propylene Glycol
No Propylene Glycol is used in our products.

GM Free
No ingredients are derived from genetically modified crops.

Not Tested On Animals
We simply don't test on animals. only our obliging staff, and
occasionally the CEO!

No Petroleum Based Ingredients
No mineral or petroleum oils are used in our product.
NVEY ECO uses plant Derived oils such as safflower oil.

No Talc
All our powder based products are Talc Free.

Things that Nvey Eco does contain, in no particular order.
Vitamin C Renowned as a powerful antioxidant Vitamin C helps
to protect the skin from harmful Free Radicals. It also helps
to revive, replenish and protect your complexion.

Safflower Oil From the safflower Plant, this oil increases the moisture
content of the skin, without blocking pores and helps to heal and
soften dry skin.

Carrot Oil helps to prevent damage and premature aging, it is rich
in minerals, retinal and beta-carotene. It promotes self restoration
of skin tissues and smooths and tones the skin Jojoba Oil.
The oil extracted from the woody evergreen desert plant Jojoba
mimics the skins natural protection and miniaturisation mechanism.

Vitamin B5 D Panthenol is the provitamin of vitamin B5. It strengthens
and improves the condition of hair and improves the moisture
retention capacity of the skin.

Vitamin E Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps to protect
the skin from the harmful effects of pollution and extreme weather.

Rose absolute. Extracted from fresh rose petals, Rose Absolute
assists with the relief of dry and sensitive skin, wrinkles and eczema.

Sweet Almond Oil From the nut kernels of the almond, this is a light
oil that protects and balances the skin.

Chamomile Renowned for its gentle calming and soothing
properties Chamomile stimulates tissue repair and is ideal
for use on sensitive skin and around the eyes.

Natural Beeswax Containing fatty acids, minerals and vitamin A,
beeswax is rich in glucose to provide the skin with energy,
protection and a soft supple texture.

So all in all we think that Nvey eco is a range of make up that
should not only help you look your best but could help you to
feel your best too. And isn’t that what every woman wants?
  Creme Foundation Light-Medium Tone  Natural Powder Blush - Plum
By the way, many ladies that wouldn’t use anything else but
their own preferred brand have tried NVEY cosmetics, and
now won’t use anything else.

Why not find out more at the WikanikoShop

To your health, Richard
Call 0753 319 1276 for more information.
Visit our Eco Friendly Shop - Find out about our Business Opportunity
Save Money on your utilities here - Utility Sava


Wikaniko Product Spotlight - Soap

Your skin absorbs up to 60% of everything you put on it. The soaps or
shower gels that are used by most people everyday or even twice a day
contain a whole host of chemicals, added to supposedly enhance the
product and make it more effective at its job.
However, a lot of those chemicals are clearly not good for your skin.
They work against your skin, and can cause problems.

e.g. White Chocolate & Coconut  SoapWhite chocolate & coconut soap

Some of the most common nasties include:

1) SLS/SLES. This is a chemical that is added to products to make it
foam. They are also used in products that clean garage floors and
degrease engines! The problems associated with SLS’s include skin
and eye irritation. In fact, they are so well known to be an irritant that in
clinical studies on products such as moisturisers or lotions a subject’s
skin is deliberately irritated with SLS so that the calming effect of the
product can be ascertained!

They can cause the skin structure to break apart, causing roughness.
Animals exposed to SLS experienced eye damage, depression,
laboured breathing, diarrhea, severe skin irritation and corrosion.

2) Anything ending in ‘Paraben’ (Butyl, Methyl, Ethyl, propyl)
These are artificial preservatives; evidence suggests that they mimic
oestrogen in the body. Too much oestrogen causes a range of health
problems. They can also cause skin allergies and digestive problems.

Some anti-bacterial soaps contain MIT (methylisothiazolinone), which
some studies have found to be allergenic, cytotoxic and linked to nerve
 cell death. We have taken steps to find you soap, that not only keeps
you clean and smelling fresh, but also working in harmony with your skin.
Furthermore, it is not damaging to the environment when it goes down
the drain.

3). Handmade Organic Soap Products
LemonGrass Organic Soap LemonGrass Organic Cinnamon Orange Clove Organic SoapCinnamon

These soaps are natural, 100% organic, handmade and fairtrade, so
 they are a great deal for everyone. They are made in the UK. They
contain no nasty chemicals, no animal products, no synthetic dye or
fragrances, or petroleum based substances and parabens.

Their packaging is either made from recycled materials, or are a
combination of postconsumer waste and natural plant fibres
(i.e. straw, hemp, banana leaf). It is also minimal and recyclable or

They also come in 9 great scents! (all natural of course!)

They are made using the traditional cold-process method and are
 allowed to cure for a total of eight weeks before being available for sale.
This curing time creates a high quality bar of soap which lasts longer
and is very gentle to your skin. The soaps also, contain an extra
percentage of olive and coconut oils, thus creating a highly moisturising
bar, which retains 100% of its natural glycerine. (It is removing the natural
glycerine from soaps that causes them to be drying. Interestingly enough,
when conventional soaps have the glycerine removed it is then sold to be
used in moisturisers.)

4). Aleppo Soap
Aleppo soap is completely natural. It contains no perfumes, colours or
other additives. The main ingredients are Olive and Laurel oil.

Aleppo soap has been made and used for thousands of years. It has
been shown to be very good for combating skin problems, and is great
for people with very sensitive skin or eczema.

It is highly moisturising so it won’t dry your skin out, and can be used on
body, face and hair, instead of shower gel or shampoo. It is also good to
use as shaving soap. The production of the soap is non-polluting.

It actually improves with age.
It is economical because it is so dense it can last for months.
Total ingredients are; Olive and laurel oils, soda ash, water and salt.

Try some – you’ll never use anything else again…..visit the Wikaniko Shop

5). Aloe Vera Soap
Aloe Vera Soap Bar
The Organic Aloe Vera range was voted BEST BODY CARE
PRODUCTS IN 2003 by independent retailers. Good as a regenerative
for healing skin as it contains many enzymes, and for evening out
the production of sebum, balancing both dry & oily skin. It is suitable
for all skin types.


As you can see, we have brought together a range of soaps for every
person. Indeed, if you took the plunge, so to speak, by using these
soaps (particularly the Aleppo soap) you could get rid of dozens of
awful, overpriced liquids in plastic bottles from your bathroom.

Why not try it, and save a fortune on your shopping at the same time?

To your health, Richard, for more information
Call 0753 319 1276 or email richardhudson@wikaniko.co.uk

Visit our Eco Friendly Shop - Find out about our Business Opportunity
Save Money on your utilities here - Utility Sava

Make Extra Income

Our eco-friendly business wants independent, hard working Individuals

to share and promote natural and organic products.
Create a second income whilst having a
positive impact on the environment.

· Be your own boss.

· Choose your own hours.

· Rewards offered for hard work.

· Full training and support.

· You will love it.

For further information, and without obligation contact us on
0753 319 1276 or email: richardhudson@wikaniko.co.uk for more information.
Visit our Eco Friendly Shop - Find out about our Business Opportunity
Save Money on your utilities here - Utility Sava


Wikaniko Eco Income Business Opportunity Review

Wikaniko Eco Income Business Opportunity Review

Q. Are you looking for a part-time, full-time income working in your spare time?

Q. Are you looking for an ethical income opportunity?

Q. Are you looking for something you can do alongside family, your job, your other business interests?

Q. Would you like to have your own online shop with over 850 natural, organic, naturally sourced products you don't need to search for and buy in bulk up front?

Q. Would you like to start in the early stages of it's life, i.e. 'be in early'.

Q. Like to have the support of other successful people who are willing to share their secrets to success and provide free comprehensive training?

Q. Be part of something that can make a real difference to our future environment?

Well, you can it's called Wikaniko a 2 year old company that's making waves in the eco-friendly product industry. There are many ways to market the products here are some of them: online; party plan; through brochure delivery, as a stall holder etc...

To find out more and to answer any questions you may have please call or email me for an information pack, why not review our opportunity video too.

To your health, Richard
Call 0753 319 1276 for more information.
Visit our Eco Friendly Shop - Find out about our Business Opportunity

Save Money on your utilities here - Utility Sava


Wikaniko New Luxury Products

The new luxury range of shampoos etc are now in stock. This range includes shampoos and conditioners, which are in the Hair Care section. We also have shower gels, hand washes, and a lovely exfoliating body wash, available in the body and skin care section.

It is important to note that this range has been formulated specially and solely for Wikaniko. It is probably the best you can get. The best manufacturer in the country to complete this range.

The products do not contain any artificial colouring, or fragrance.  They contain only the finest essential oils, are SLS free, paraben free, triclosan free, sulphate free, ethylene free, oxide free, suitable for vegans, etc., etc. The conditioners are so thick that we had tremendous difficulty in bottling the product, and all the products are so concentrated that a tiny bit goes a long way. All in all, it is an eco product that is probably the best you can get.

Moisturisers (including mens), foaming face wash, creams, etc are currently in production. Again, exhaustive tests have been carried out to create a delightful ‘signature’ blend, unique to Wikaniko.

To find out more visit our Wikaniko shop

To your health, Richard
Call 0753 319 1276 for more information.
Visit our Eco Friendly Shop - Find out about our Business Opportunity

We can you Save Money on your utilities too - Utility Sava


Eco Income Home Business Opportunity

Eco Income Home Business Opportunity - Make A Life Changing Decision

It starts today...

In every work from home company, there are superstars – people that have
worked non stop to build a huge business. We read about them –
The Avon lady, the Kleeneze multi millionaire, and so on. These people
 weren’t chosen to  be the superstars – they decided that they were going to
be the people making the money.

Now I appreciate more than anyone that there are a whole load of people
that are happy to just put in their personal order every month, and without
these  valued people, the company would not be doing as well as it is.
But I am talking to the people who really want to make something of their
lives, and who have always wanted the chance to be someone.

Its all there ready for you – a debt free company, with almost 1000 brilliant
products, no competition, and a pay plan that has unlimited potential
earnings.You can even have your very own label on a lot of products now!

What sort of earnings are available to you? Take a look at the Partwork
 Plan, that shows you how much you could earn. Actually, that is a serious
under estimate  – just pocket money. So it is all here spread out in front of
you – so don't you grab it with both hands?

I’ll tell you why. And it is probably the biggest secret to wealth that we has
ever been uncovered. It is being scared to let go of what you have, and
venturing into the unknown!

The time that serious incomes are made, is the time that you've had nothing
 to fall back on – no income to rely on. If you don’t make it work, you
don’t eat. And whilst this might not quite in the same  league as the big
league entrepreneurs, it was the same for many of them. The biggest guy
in Kleeneze was a bankrupt, and he took up the Kleeneze opportunity
because it would give him cash in his pocket. He is now a multi millionaire.
Debbie, the Avon lady took up the opportunity because she had to find
 a way to pay her next months’ mortgage – she is now on 20k plus per
 month. Duncan Bannatyne of Dragons Den fame maxed out all his
credit cards to pursue his goal. Read Simon Cowell’s story too……

So the simple fact is that there is probably no real urgency for you to push
yourself over the top, as there will always be some money coming in from
somewhere to help you bounce along the bottom, and go from one crisis to
the next. It won’t get any better if you don’t change it, but you will always
manage somehow. But the crying shame is that your future security, and
everything you have ever wanted is sitting in your hands, if you just dare
to make the break! It doesn’t take money. It takes physical effort, long
hours, and a journey way outside your comfort zone.

However, it takes the SAME effort to do it the right way, as it takes to
do it the wrong way…..One day, someone will come along, and simply
run with it, whooping and hollering as they ride off into the sunset. And
you will wonder how on earth they did it – yet it was in your hands all
the time.

It's worth keep reminding yourself of this message in the hopes that at
least one day you will sit up and listen, and then do something with it.
Wikaniko want to pay commission cheques of two, three, four
thousands pounds a month as a starter, and Wikaniko really want
to pay you commission cheques of twenty, thirty, forty thousand
pounds a month – because that’s the sort of pay cheques that are
possible with Wikaniko and a lot of people who make that sort of
money from network marketing. Don’t be scared of that kind of money
– in fact, demand it!

The best news of all is that you are at the very top of the pile for once
instead of being buried way underneath it, and that is the perfect position
to start building your business from. But if you are thinking – yes, I want it,
but I am going to ‘wait’ until after Christmas, the New Year, when the kids
break up for half term, after my hospital appointment, etc., then you still
 haven’t grasped what the top people do to make their lives happen the
way they want them to. Because you will always be ‘waiting’ for something
else to get out of the way, or to be introduced by someone else…and that
 is a never ending story.

If you really want it, do it whilst everyone else is still asleep. And right now
is the perfect time to begin your business! If you don’t know how to, go
back and think about it again. Then if you want to do it get in touch with
me as soon as possible its never too late to start.

Have a wonderful business building November...
Your first is to make contact... :-)
Seize the day kind regards, Richard H.
Call 0753 319 1276 for more information.
Visit our Eco Friendly Shop - Find out about our Business Opportunity
Save Money on your utilities here - Utility Sava

Wikaniko Own Barnd Service Success

Wikaniko Own Barnd Service Success - ex Kleeneze, Avon, Betterware Reps could clear up with this!

To say that the Own Brand Service is successful is an understatement! It wasn't realised the

potential of this enhancement, or the amount of orders that would come in. Some teams haven’t
quite clicked with it yet, whilst others are having a ball with it, and are now on their second lot of
ordering! We’re also getting reports from the active distributors that their own label products are
not only being well received, but they are also making excellent wholesale to retail profits as a
result of the better mark ups that the special wholesale products offer.
It makes sense to get your own label really. If you are regularly selling deodorant stones for
example, you may as well sell your own label stones, and make more profit on each and every
one that you sell. And if you are half serious about your being in business, then your Own Label is
a must. The guys that have got this service say they feel far more enthusiastic, confident and a lot
prouder about promoting their own label products.

There is another side to the coin. The heavy retailers from companies like Kleeneze, Avon, Betterware are seeing that they can make huge retail incomes with Wikaniko as opposed to the returns that they are
currently getting, and that there is no competition whatsoever with other distributors on their patch!

So any Kleeneze, Avon, Betterware reps out there reading htis please get in touch,
and we can show how Wikaniko and the Own Label Service works.

The override commission you receive could be seriously enhanced!

Wikaniko Own Brand Service Success

To your health, Richard
Call 0753 319 1276 for more information.
Visit our Eco Friendly Shop - Find out about our Business Opportunity
Save Money on your utilities here - Utility Sava


Students Make Eco-Income with Wikaniko

Many Students are facing real finacial uncertainty moving into the new year and beyond especially, with the new expensive tuition fees on the horizon.

I know students are also very concious about the environment and the way we all live, having been a student I've experienced it first hand.

Wikaniko combines these two factors and makes for a very real opportunity to do something new, make changes to the environment and earn that real income to support students through University.

With Wikaniko you can make a real difference, one that will be long lasting to the environment and to your pocket, why should you end up with all that debt when you will actually be contributing to a positive future in the UK.

Wikaniko could build into a full time income while you're at University saving you the worry of finding a job with your new degree, something to really think about.

Why not learn more about Wikaniko here

To your health, Richard
Call 0753 319 1276 for more information.
Visit our Eco Friendly Shop - Find out about our Business Opportunity
Save Money on your utilities here - Utility Sava


Wikanikos Top TEN Products in September

The Wikaniko Shop Top 10 for September !

Each month, we will let you know which of the products in our range made the top 10, so that you

can see which are the most popular.

Here they are:

1 BAG0001VP Black Bin Bags Economy Up 3 places to take the No 1 spot

2 CLE0020WU Concentrated Washing Up Liquid Down 1 place

3 CLE0011GL GreenLoo Cistern Blocks Down 2 places

4 DE00039DS Wikaniko Deodorant Stone New entry at No 4

5 BAG0003PB Degradable Pedal Bin Liners New entry at No 5

6 BAG0002HD Black Bin Bags Heavy Duty Down 2 places

7 BAG0004SB Degradable Swing Bin Liners New entry at No 7

8 SOA0632AL Aleppo Soap Bar New entry at No 8

9 CLE0086CC Waterless Wash ‘n Wax Down 4 places

10 CLE0027LL Concentrated Laundry Liquid Squeezed into top 10
Go order you eco products now....
To your health, Richard
Call 0753 319 1276 for more information.
Visit our Eco Friendly Shop - Find out about our Business Opportunity
Save Money on your utilities here - Utility Sava

Wikaniko Distributors Can Get Their Whole Order Refunded!

Did You Know? Wikaniko Distributors Can Get Their Whole Order Refunded!

Every month, a distributor will get their whole order refunded, no matter what the value of that

order is. We basically put the invoices ‘in a hat’, and draw out a random invoice which we refund in
full, including the postage, etc., etc, - no matter how large that order is !
This is part of our profit sharing via co-operative marketing.
To your health, Richard
Call 0753 319 1276 for more information.
Visit our Eco Friendly Shop - Find out about our Business Opportunity
Save Money on your utilities here - Utility Sava