
Independent Distributor Tel 0753.3191276 .... www.wikanikoshop.co.uk .... email richardhudson@wikaniko.co.uk


Wikaniko Earn a 2nd Income - Work From Home Mums

Let’s now explore how Wikaniko can help you to both reduce your outgoings, and increase your income.

The Distributor opportunity is very simple to understand http://www.joinup.wikaniko.com
1) It costs just £79 inc. VAT to become a full distributor, with an all singing, all dancing massive online eco supermarket.
There is a monthly fee of £3.50 to maintain your site, and have access to all the facilities. However, we have a
special incentive to help you. Please read through this page carefully to find out.

2) You reduce your outgoings by buying the household products you normally buy, at wholesale instead of retail.

3) You help save the planet along the way. So you make an income, and at the same time, you make a difference.

4) You immediately 'own' one of the biggest online retail eco supermarkets in the UK and you can start attracting customers
to your site, via facebook, email, etc.
It is a wonderful way of making more income, with regular orders being placed by your customers.

5) You build branches in other areas by introducing people to the opportunity, and you make an override on what they do,
by helping them to build a great future for themselves.

6) You can offer the products to friends and work colleagues by showing them our catalogues,
and you can do eco events, craft fairs, shows etc. to attract lots of business.

7) You enjoy your life, free from financial worries, and at the same time have a true sense of purpose.

8) You can open up branches anywhere in the world, who wish to promote the business opportunity in the UK (see below for full details).

9) We give you access to our social media online training course, worth over £6000. Yes, we teach you how to build a
huge online business through facebook, twitter, pinterest, etc! no other company offers you this wonderful resource.

This enables you to learn social media without going outside your front door, and obtaining the skills and knowledge
to easily attract customers to your shop without you having to handle a single product or speak to a single person.

After this course, you would possess a skill that would enable you to promote anything online worldwide,
as well as your Wikaniko opportunity. You don't ever need to be short of income again.
This is an astonishing offer, and is available for a limited period to all new distributors.

Does that all appeal to you?

However, the only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary! There is effort involved.
There is work to do, and there are things to learn.

If you want to have a go, though, we’ll teach you along the way, using some of the best training ever created.
You do the training in the comfort of your own home, and at your pace.