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Wikaniko News Review Eco Income

Wikaniko Eco-Income
Thanks goodness for the work from home income generating businesses
 that are around today! Without them, I think that many people would
have disappeared beneath the waves a long time ago. Boy, isn’t the country
 going downhill or what! I make no apologies for bringing all of these to
the attention of our distributors, because we really have to wake up to
what is happening before it is too late for some people.

Everywhere you look, everything points to the simple fact that incomes
aren’t going to get better, outgoings are going to get much worse, the
NHS is going to go downhill, the banks and financial institutions are going
to continue to rob us, the government isn’t going to help us, and the future
doesn’t look as good as it used to look.
Are we all agreed on that?
Picking up the paper and reading it these days really horrifies me.
Let’s just cast our eyes on a few of the recent headlines:
At least one in 5 people has no form of pension, or any savings whatsoever
to take them through their old age.
Care homes are being run by people who employ carers – most of whom
 have simply taken the job after being forced off unemployment. They need
 the money to fuel their drug habits, and they simply don’t care about the
people they are looking after – in fact, they physically and mentally abuse them
Old people’s homes are being used simply to make profits for the venture
capitalists, without any thought for the people living out their days in these homes.
There are too many complaints about the elderly in hospital ending up
malnourished and severely dehydrated – so much so that doctors are
prescribing drinking water to make sure they get some re-hydration.
We are all going to get old – that’s guaranteed….and for many, this is
what they are facing, as they simply do not have the money to get a better
standard of care.
Take a look at the cost of running a car as well. It has gone up over 20%
in less than 12 months. For goodness sake, it was expensive enough before!
Basic foodstuffs are going through the roof too, and the standard of that
foodstuff is getting worse. Have you noticed for example, that milk lasts
about a fortnight, and bread stays fresh for a month?
I remember the days where you had to buy fresh bread and milk every day
as it went off. So goodness knows what chemicals we are eating that have
been used to preserve these products.
A recent newspaper report stated that the bread in some supermarkets is over
 a YEAR old before it gets to us! And the tricks that they are now doing to keep
fruit and veg fresh for months is simply going to put more and more chemicals
into our bodies. It’s a wonder our teeth don’t fall out when we are munching
on a carrot! I don’t even want to talk about the fuel bills that are set to rise
drastically this coming winter, ensuring that the energy people will also be
helping themselves to more and more of the dwindling funds that families are
 constantly having to juggle with. Apparently, it is going to cost another two
hundred pounds a year just to get the same as you did last year. Where is
anyone supposed to find that from? Did your boss give you a pay rise to help
you pay it? Many families are no longer coping with their finances, and have
already been sucked into a huge whirlpool…..

Never mind – we’ve got our politicians to help keep the country going.
The ones that aren’t serving prison terms at Her Majesty’s Pleasure for stealing
 from the taxpayers, or who aren’t on trial for other things, that is….
That’s a ton of bad news, and it is guaranteed that more and more of it
will hit us in the coming weeks or months. In fact, it will never end – especially
as the Chancellor has been given the green light to tighten the thumbscrews
even more, in an effort to make us all cough up for the disastrous mistakes by
 the banks, and the enormous bonuses they are giving to the people who committed
those mistakes!
Hands up anyone who thinks it is all going to be good news from now on?
The only thing that they have come up with is that next year, they are going
to ensure that everyone has a 4 day bank holiday, like what happened this year.
That will help the struggling one man businesses, little shops, and the
 self employed people who need to be working in order to pay their rent or
mortgage. Duh……
What I am trying to point out is very simple. Nobody is going to give you
handouts if you fall on hard times. We are all in a vicious whirlpool of impending
debt, increasing costs from everywhere you look, and are at the mercy of
companies and organisations snatching at every penny that goes in your purse
or wallet before you have to pay it out to someone else demanding it.
So is there an answer? Really - is there any light at the end of this
long and very dark tunnel?

There are two answers to that, and I would like to share both of them
with you.
The first answer is to stick your head in the sand, and pretend that
none of this is happening. That is very easy to do, and quite painless
in the short term. We can all busy ourselves with everyday life, and
 ignore the future, can’t we?
The second answer is quite exciting.
You take control of your own future…………

As a distributor for Wikaniko, you have the solution to many of the
problems right here in your hands! Now that solution is disguised as work,
and whilst it looks like a simple solution, it takes some consistent initial
effort to put in place.
What is this solution?
As you are aware, you buy products that you normally buy, at a discount
 off the retail price. As we progress, more and more products will become
available to help offset your shopping, and perhaps save you the odd trip to
the shops, thereby reducing petrol costs etc. Who knows – in the future we
 could do food, clothing, services etc – a one stop eco shop so to speak.
But that depends on you guys in the network all working hard to help build
this business. There’s still a long way to go yet, and quite a few more people
need to help us out.
You can grow your own produce, using the tips on our Wikaniko Allotment
Gardener section, ensuring that you eat the finest fruit and veg. Our own veg
plot is chock full of good home grown stuff to eat from the Wikaniko seeds
that we sowed, and now that the hard work of digging, preparing and sowing
the plot is done, we will reap the rewards. We know that our produce doesn’t
contain chemicals, e-coli or anything else like that! And apart from eating fresh,
chemical free tasty fruit and veg, we save a fortune too. One packet of seeds
cost less than say a bag of carrots, yet it will keep us going all through the
season. That’s a lot of money saved.
How’s your plot looking this year?
The more we investigate what is going on around us, the more we realise
 that hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands – even hundreds of thousands
of people will become sucked into the whirlpool that we spoke about earlier,
and will be looking for a lifeline. They don’t have many options – part time
jobs are virtually non existent, and if there are any, you work for the peanuts
that you are offered, selling your life by the hour. Forget about being able to
earn more by doing overtime, bonuses etc at work. The only other faint
hope is to win the lottery at a 14 million to one chance.
These people are open to ideas which are ethical, potentially lucrative, and
which will provide them with a solution to their financial problems.
Believe me, some people don’t mind doing hard work to get what they
want – yet most people don’t even know that this brilliant Wikaniko
opportunity even exists!
Where do we find these people?
They are at the supermarket checkout, bored out of their brains passing
 your shopping over the scanners. They are in the Church hall at the weekend,
trying to sell their pots of jam, their candles or their lace for anything they can get.
They are manning their stands at antique and postcard fairs. They are the petrol
 station cashiers, trying to stay awake at 4 in the morning. They are the self
employed carpet cleaners, handymen, car valeters, Will Writers, Independent
 Financial Advisors, gardeners, etc., who are struggling to make incomes due
to their customers facing hard times. They are the ones delivering catalogues
for other companies, and tripping over tens of thousands of other distributors
 all fighting over the same street. They are the ones who are disillusioned with
their work from home company because nobody can afford their high priced
specialised products. They are your next door neighbours, or the young family
across the road…..
‘They’ are virtually everyone that you walk past in the street, or meet in your
 everyday lives. ‘They’ are all around you.
Yet we let them walk on by, and never the twain shall meet…..
That is such a dreadful waste. You own a goldmine, full of the shiniest, richest
gold anyone has ever seen, piled so high you can’t actually see the top. You
can’t take it all out by yourself – there’s just too much of the stuff. All you need
is to tell loads of people about it, and ask them to come and help you dig it out.
Yet they wander past you, perhaps desperately searching for something
in order to stave off the ravages of the things we have outlined. All you need
 to do is point them to the mine, give them a pick and shovel, and tell them
they can take however much they want.
Yet they walk on by……
So we know what we should be doing. Forget about trying to attract people
in order for you to line your pockets. Instead, focus on showing others this
amazing opportunity in order that they can benefit. The more people you help,
the more you will benefit as a natural result. That’s all we’ve ever done, and it
actually works! And someone showed us the gold mine once. Since then, we’ve
carted off almost 2 millions quid’s worth from it. The person who showed us the
goldmine is very happy too! They didn’t even work up a sweat to give us what
we wanted, and they got what they wanted from our efforts! Would you like
people like us in your business? All you have to do is invite people like us –
we’ll see the opportunity for what it can give…..
Now – the big one – we know what we should be doing, All we need to do
now is figure out how we should do it.
Lets start at the top, and work down. In order to become a National Distributor,
you need oodles of distributors in your team. We also know that in order to get
oodles of active distributors in your team, you need to get loads and loads of
people – as 80% of your team will do little or nothing. So you need tons of people.
That means you need to do tons of action.
10% of your customers will become distributors, so keep on getting lots
of customers. And everywhere you go, simply ask people the key question:
“Would you like to get paid for showing others how to become more eco friendly?”
If that’s too much of a mouthful, how about “would you like to investigate a way
 of getting more income?”
That’s it – that’s all you need to do to identify prospective distributors. Easy peasy
or what? In fact, there’s nothing easier. Yet you let people like us walk past you…..
That’s the basic job of a network marketer, yet so many people fall down at this
basic level. They become secret agents, or they hide behind a PC screen, sending
out emails or posting on facebook hoping that someone will join from a single written
sentence or an advert. That simply isn’t going to happen.
What happens when we get someone who is interested? We simply show them
how to make money with Wikaniko. It is their choice as to whether they take it
up or not – it is not your decision to make. Some will see it – some will say no thanks.
So if you want to get mega wealthy, and never ever have any money worries again,
 write the numbers 1 – 1000 on a piece of paper, Then go and ask 1000 people
the specific key question (not some hairy fairy half baked – “psst – wanna make
 some money?” comment!) Cost – NIL. Zilch. Nada. It costs next to nothing to
build a big team. We have done it time and time again.
Time spent asking the question? 15 seconds on each person.
Result? Top position in Wikaniko, along with all the income you desire.
Don’t forget to keep the retailing going, because when you do, there’s a lot of
people that you bump into, who you can ask the key question to, and add that
one to your list. Now you see the difference between what a networker does,
and what Hit ‘n Hope Hilda does, when she asks her mum, her sister and a friend.
When those three turn her down, she throws in the towel.
To sum up, Wikaniko provides everyone, without regard to their circumstances,
their finances, their education or background to become wealthy through
consistent effort. All you have to do is explain that to 1000 people, and you
 will have all the income that you will ever need in life. If you haven’t got
everything you need from Wikaniko yet, then you simply haven’t done your job.
It’s a good job you are not sitting in front of Alan Sugar right now, isn’t it?
 I wonder what he would say to you!
The only challenge with all of this is that we all want to go straight to the top
 in one step, and do it in 24 hours. If that doesn’t happen, most people lose
 heart and drift off. Here’s how we approached it, and went on to make a
fortune working from home.
We set a simple target for the month. And that simple target would be
something like – Earn £100 to spend on a wonderful evening out at a restaurant.
Then, nothing else mattered apart from achieving that simple goal.
Then, the next month, we would earn that money from the customers
we had built up, and we would set another target. Earn x to pay the
phone bill. And so on. Try it -. It’s the sort of focus that many need, and
it will set you along the road to wealth and fame.
What would you like to buy or pay for with your earnings this month?
It’s in your hands to do it…..and if you really want to take control, then
make the decision to do it. Let’s make this month your best month ever in
Wikaniko, now you know what you need to do!

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